Norway Grants


Structural and functional studies of human PNPase in mitochondrial RNA metabolism

Principal Investigator: Katarzyna Bandyra

Human polynucleotide phosphorylase (hPNPase) is a highly conserved exoribonuclease residing mostly in the mitochondrial intermembrane space, where its function is poorly understood. In bacteria, where the enzyme is best understood, PNPase can be re-programmed by the RNA chaperone Hfq and small regulatory RNA (sRNA) to switch from degradative to chaperoning roles in RNA-mediated gene regulation. As the human and bacterial enzymes are homologues, it is possible that hPNPase could have a dual mode of action as well, and could participate in diverse RNA-mediated regulatory processes once trapped in a non-degradative assembly. Our research will address what functions are played by hPNPase present in the intermembrane space of the human mitochondria. We will characterise the full-length enzyme and its capacity to bind substrates in the degradative and non-degradative modes, as well as identify potential hPNPase ternary complexes. In order to achieve these objectives, we will elucidate the structure-function relationship of hPNPase by cryo-EM.
The primary objectives of the POLS projects are to identify the protein and RNA partners of hPNPase within human mitochondria. This investigation aims to deepen our understanding of the enzyme's roles in mitochondrial RNA metabolism and its broader functional significance.

Funding source:

National Science Centre, Poland & EEA and Norway Grants - POLS

Structural and functional studies of human PNPase in mitochondrial RNA metabolism

  • PLN 878 220 (EUR 200 000)
  • Sep 2021 - Aug 2023
  • #2020/37/K/NZ1/02312
  • Project PI: Katarzyna Bandyra

This research has received funding from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 2020/37/K/NZ1/02312

EEA | Norway Grants| NCN

Link to the project page in Polish: PL

Events and news from the project are published in the NEWS section:

2024-07-15 New preprint showing hPNPase interplay with FASTK protein

2024-04-30 The POLS project has concluded. Unfortunately, due to multiple equipment failures and unforeseen experimental challenges, the project could not complete the experiments required to fully uncover the role and interactome of hPNPase in human cells. Despite these setbacks, Kasia has made progress by exploring hPNPase's role in FASTK protein-dependent mitochondrial transcript metabolism. She remains determined to unravel the broader functions of this enzyme in mitochondrial RNA biology.

2024-02 Kasia’s research featured on the NCN website

2023-03-19 XXVIII Sesja sprawozdawcza z działalności naukowej (scientific reporting session of the Department of Chemistry)

Katarzyna Bandyra presented the results of her activities and ongoing research in 2023 in the form of a poster.

2023-03-06 Visit of high school students with teacher dr Tomasz Deptuła - Katarzyna talked about her research.

2023-09-28 Katarzyna gives a talk "Polynucleotide phosphorylase - an exoribonuclease and an RNA chaperone in one" at the Polish RNA Biology Meeting, IIMCB, Warsaw, Poland - photo here

2023-09-19-20 27th Science Festival in Warsaw

2023-05-22 Kasia presents her project and plans at the EMBO YIP Annual meeting in Milan, Italy

2023-05-11 Katarzyna's research in the spotlight

2023-03-31 Kasia talks about her research at the Jena RNA Club

2023-03-01-31 XXVII Sesja sprawozdawcza z działalności naukowej (scientific reporting session of the Department of Chemistry)

Katarzyna Bandyra presented the results of her activities and ongoing research in 2022 in the form of a poster.

2023-01-09 Visit of schoolchildren from Liceum Sobieskiego in Lublin, Poland - Katarzyna talked about her research.

2022-11-30 Katarzyna receives L'Oréal-UNESCO Scholarship

2022-09-20 26th Science Festival in Warsaw

2022-06-16 Kasia gives a talk at the ISMB Symposium in London

2022-03-28 The final piece of equipment has arrived — Kasia is ready to kick off her research on the role of hPNPase in human cells!
To enable the identification of hPNPase complexes in human cells, Kasia will cultivate the cells in suspension and use a high-pressure homogenizer to disrupt the mitochondria. Fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly!

2021-12-07 Katarzyna Bandyra gives a talk at the inaugural 2021/2022 session of the Warsaw RNA Club

2021-10-25 Katarzyna Bandyra wins the Poster Prize at the EMBO Young Scientists Forum 2021!

2021-09-01 Dr Katarzyna Bandyra joins the lab

2020-12-06 NCN POLS grant to Katarzyna Bandyra